* During a preflight test for what was to be the first manned Apollo mission, a fire claimed the lives of three U.S. astronauts; Virgil I. "Gus" Grissom, Edward H. White, II and Roger B. Chaffee. After the disaster, the mission was officially designated Apollo 1.
Taken from The Apollo Program
APOLLO 7 Commander:
Command Module Pilot:
Lunar Module Pilot:
Walter M. Schirra, Jr.
Donn F. Eisele
R. Walter Cunningham
APOLLO 8 Commander:
Command Module Pilot:
Lunar Module Pilot:
Frank Borman
James A. Lovell, Jr.
William Anders
APOLLO 9 Commander:
Command Module Pilot:
Lunar Module Pilot:
James A. McDivitt
David R. Scott
Russell L. Schweickart
APOLLO10 Commander:
Command Module Pilot:
Lunar Module Pilot:
Thomas P. Stafford
John W. Young
Eugene Cernan
APOLLO 11 Commander:
Command Module Pilot:
Lunar Module Pilot:
Neil A. Armstrong
Buzz Aldrin
Michael Collins
APOLLO 12 Commander:
Command Module Pilot:
Lunar Module Pilot:
Charles (Pete) Conrad, Jr.
Richard F. Gordon, Jr.
Alan L. Bean
APOLLO 13 Commander:
Command Module Pilot:
Lunar Module Pilot:
James A. Lovell, Jr.
John L. Swigert, Jr.
Fred W. Haise, Jr.
APOLLO 14 Commander:
Command Module Pilot:
Lunar Module Pilot:
Alan B. Shepard, Jr.
Stuart A. Roosa
Edgar D. Mitchell
APOLLO 15 Commander:
Command Module Pilot:
Lunar Module Pilot:
David R. Scott
Alfred M. Worden
James B. Irwin
APOLLO 16 Commander:
Command Module Pilot:
Lunar Module Pilot:
John W. Young
Thomas K. Mattingly, II
Charles M. Duke, Jr.
APOLLO 17 Commander:
Command Module Pilot:
Lunar Module Pilot:
Eugene Cernan
Ronald B. Evans
Harrison H. Schmitt





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