The purpose of the Apollo Space Program was to land a human on the surface
of the moon. Included in this program were two Earth orbiting missions (Apollo
7 & 9), two Lunar orbiting missions (Apollo 8 & 10), a Lunar Swingby
mmission (Apollo 13, which was meant to be a Lunar Landing mission until
a Service Module oxygen tank blew up), and six Lunar Landing missions.
The goals for the Apollo Program were as follows:
1. To establish the technology to meet other national interests in space.
2. To achieve preeminence in space for the United States.
3. To carry out a program of scientific exploration of the Moon.
4. To develop man's capability to work in the lunar enviroment.
Taken from The Kennedy Space Center Apollo Page
The Apollo Program started in 1961 as an answer to the Soviet Space Program. Even though by this point America had only accomplished one human space flight President Kennedy was sure that we would land a man on the monn by the end of the decade.
Copyright Antonio Ortiz 2004
Website by Deb Geisler & Mike Benveniste